Explaining to my 8 year old that yes, she too, is racist
Conversations with my white daughters about our racial biases, and reflections on why we - white parents - need to discuss our own biases to help our children do less harm.
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How enduring 9/11 memories from Brooklyn shaped me as a teacher
Reflections on how starting my teaching career in Brooklyn on 9/11 has impacted my educational journey, and a celebration of the life of a former student who died that day.
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Yes, Math Education Can Be A Tool For Social Justice
Exploring social and racial justice issues within math classrooms empowers students to confront injustice while giving them purpose to learn complex content. A significant opportunity...
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Math Literacy, Civil Rights, and Lemonade
Civil rights icon Bob Moses passed away in July 2021. When I was in fifth grade, Bob taught me how to make lemonade. Decades later, I’m passing on lessons I learned from him to my own undergraduate students.
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Buying My Way Into an Oakland Public School
The Oakland Unified School District created an "Opportunity Ticket" to help students, but the reality is that many families - mine included - already had one. Here's what money can buy.
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