Hi, I'm
Jonathan Osler
For more than 20 years I have worked to advance educational equity and racial justice as an educator, nonprofit leader, policy advocate, fundraiser, writer, and parent.
Fueled by my passion for building and supporting cross-sector partnerships between educators, community members, philanthropic institutions and nonprofits I have developed groundbreaking initiatives such as #OaklandUndivided that closed the digital divide for 25,000+ Oakland families.
By working to connect schools, nonprofits, corporate leaders, and philanthropic allies, I’ve helped secure more than $70M for educational initiatives in partnership with schools, including a $2.5M Covid Relief Fund for Oakland Students and Schools.
I am a highly effective communicator and successfully engage diverse audiences through facilitation, research and writing, visual design, and public speaking.
I'm also: The father of 2 girls, husband to an immigrant rights attorney, undergraduate instructor in STEM teacher education, pasta maker, aspiring rock climber, former hip hop magazine publisher, voluminous coffee drinker, and proud Oaklander.